同性友人関係 : その性および性役割タイプによる差異
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The purpose of this study was to confirm the results on sex differences of same-sex friendship (SSF) and to examine the effects of sex-role type on SSF through emotional self-disclosure and the hope of SSF. Emotional self-disclosure consisted of 9 states of the emotion (as a result of factor analysis, 7 emotions), and the hopes of SSF consisted of 10 contents. Subjects were 246 (92 male and 154 female) undergraduates. Major findings were as follows: 1. Female self-disclosed the causes of the emotion more than male when they were in the state of fear and shame, depression and anxiety, happiness, and calmness. 2. Male hoped companionship of SSF and female hoped interdependence and self-disclosure. 3. Male in high femininity (HF) revealed more self- disclosure than male in low femininity (LF) except in the state of calmness. Male in high masuculinity (HM) hoped more companionship of SSF than male in low masuculinity (LM). 4. Female in HF revealed more self-disclosure than female in LF in the state of depression and anxiety, calmness, and anger. Female in HM revealed less self-disclosure than female in LM in the state of fear and shame, and depression and anxiety. Female in HM hoped more admiration, less cooperation, less self-disclosure, and less companionship than female in LM. Female in HF hoped more cooperation, more sensitivity, more self-disclosure, less information, and less authenticity than female in LF. These findings were discussed in terms of the sex differences of socialization (sex role expectation).
- 日本社会心理学会の論文
- 1993-03-10
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