大学生の友人関係の発展過程に関する研究 : 関係関与性を予測する社会的交換モデルの比較検討
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A study on the developmental processes of friendship in college students: A comparative examination of social exchange models predicting relationship commitment. The purpose of this study is to examine the predictive power of alternative determinants of relationship commitment derived from the social exchange perspective. Using longitudinal self-reported data from college students developing friendship for the same-sexed partner, the relative strength of the effects of various social exchange models on commitment was examined. These models contain variables on self-outcome, other-outcome, joint outcome, self-input (investment), comparison level for alternatives (CLalt), equity, and equality. Significant effect of the investment model constructed by the combination of self-outcome, self-input, and CLalt was found, and proportion of variance accounted by this model was consistently large compared to those accounted by other social exchange models. On the other hand, equity and equality models had little effects on commitment. Gender differences were also detected for several explanatory variables, suggesting that women were more "social exchange oriented" than men from the early stage in relationship. Moreover, students who had established Intimate relationship for their partner had less concern for social exchange than those who had remained superficial relationship.
- 日本社会心理学会の論文
- 1990-02-20
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