家族と心理・社会的ストレス : われわれの研究の現状と問題点(<特集>「ストレスの社会心理学」)
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In this report the author discussed researches of him and his co-workers on the family psychosocial stress from the following three viewpoints. 1. In case of development of the scale for measuring stresses, we should be prepare previously a theoretical framework in order to collect items of subscales in advance. Especially, the life structure theory and the family life-cycle theory are important. 2. It must be much accounted of the method and methodology how to grasp a whole of stress structure of individuals. Understanding the stress conditions of them dynamically and systematically, we tried to classify their stresses in everyday life as a stress pattern of each individual by Q-mode cluster analysis. 3. In order to find the clue for stress reduction, we interviewed representative cases who manifested a typical stress pattern, and attempted to describe actual stress conditions, coping behavior and social resources for coping of each type. These approaches from both quantitative and qualitative data were available.
- 1989-03-20
- 地域の教育環境の再構築に向けて
- 400 人間形成と人格測定(421〜9)(日本教育心理学会第12回総会部門別研究発表題目・討論の概要)
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- 家族と心理・社会的ストレス : われわれの研究の現状と問題点(「ストレスの社会心理学」)
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