地域内発生イノベーションの普及と促進集団 : 長野県南安曇郡豊科町における「古民家再生イノベーション」をめぐる普及促進集団「民家を守り育てる会」に関する事例研究
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This paper elucidates the findings of a case study conducted to ascertain the structural/functional characteristics of a particular social group (within a community) which had been instrumental in promoting the diffusion of a specific innovation. also, it was within the scope of the study to investigate the innate social changes, as have been caused by decentralized, horizontal diffusion processes. In the study, all 62 members of the particular group have been interviewed. Twelve variables, including the innovation itself, diffusion activities, etc., were analyzed using the method of Quantification III, and communication network analysis was performed for intragroup communications. Some of the main findings were as follows: 1) Within the social group promoting the diffusion, new interpersonal relationship (between people who were previously not connected) and three factors which were found to affect diffusion in different ways were ascertained. 2) The flow of communication within the group was that from the latent adopters; in-group communication had intensified over time, eventually leading to a positive attitude toward the innovation by all members.
- 日本社会心理学会の論文
- 1987-11-20
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- 地域内発生イノベーションの普及と促進集団 : 長野県南安曇郡豊科町における「古民家再生イノベーション」をめぐる普及促進集団「民家を守り育てる会」に関する事例研究
- 異文化間イノベーション実験 I. : 日本人少数者影響源がフランス人被験者の知覚転換過程にもたらす効果と社会的カテゴリー化の影響