コミュニティ・コミュニケーション・システムの構造 : 普及過程の総媒体に関する事例的考察
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1. コミュニティ・コミュニケーションの概念2. コミュニティ・コミュニケーションの体系3. 八王子部落(旧山横沢村)の概況4. Intraコミュニティ・コミュニケーション5. InputOutputコミュニティ・コミュニケーション6. むすびAs the first step to elucidate the total media for social diffusion process, we made an attempt to grasp the structure of community communication utilizing a typical Japanese community as a case. The first step in our current study was to establish the concept of "community communication" for the purpose of developing a framework enabling the perception of communication phenomena within a community from the group level (or sociological level). Followingly, preparation was undertaken to develop an integrated perception of both verbal and non-verbal communication with the use of the concept "information stimulus". The next process involved the preparation of the analytical dimensions of historical and geographical community communication. It is believed that the difference in these dimensions accounts for the difference between the community communication found in Japan and in the western world, namely the United States and Northern European countries in particular. Then, by affixing the historical and the geographical aspect on the poles of the dimension, a careful consideration was made on both inter community communication (input and output community communication) and intracommunity communication. For intra community communication, various situations and elements leading to the formation of community communication space which in turn regulate community members' behaviors, were considered. In addition, considerations were also given to traditional human relations, organizational structures, and informal communication relationships found within this space. The community, as featured in this study, is quite clearly not the planned society resulting from the notion of ideal society as used by many urban planners today. On the contrary, the community in this study is a typical Japanese small community, formed historically and thus containing various elements typical to Japan. The reason a community of this type was selected for the current study was based on the belief that the basic understandings of various problems facing segmental societies of modern days Japan can be obtained. This is quite obvious in rural community faced with decreasing population and also in static communities, but amidst the many Japanese local communities, which are in the process of expansion, these small traditional communities form the core. In these communities, problems are created by people moving in from the outside and mixing with the population within. However, in contrast to the small segmental communities decreasing in population, the larger communities increasing in population density possess various elements to attract new population, and these elements and the relationship between the new and old population must be considered within the framework of community communication system.
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