評価の諸基準に関する因子論的研究 : 偏見基礎論のための準備(2)
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I. 研究課題II. 二つの立場III. 本研究の背景IV. 研究計画の内容V. 研究方法と考察VI. 分析結果と考察VII. まとめEvaluating other's intelligence, one does it by various evaluation standards, such as cleverness, alertness, sociability, scholastic achievement, or good memory etc. In a general way the evaluators have the standards unconsciously. And they are prone to think that they have prejudice between them when they do not apply their common evaluation standard to a certain topic. To find some standards of the intelligence evaluation in both students and social men, a complete centroid method of factor analysis was applied to the data which were gained by a sociopsychological experiment. Then, some roots forming value standards were speculated and culculated by the method of H. Harman's factor analysis and other's. This study was executed in three steps. I. Five evaluation standards in general cases were found from the result of the 252 subjects experiment.- [1] a scholastic, [2] a technical, [3] a philosophical, [4] an economical, [5] a sociable, ability. II. Standards for intelligence evaluation of 18 specified subjects were clarified by the Q-technique of factor analysis. III. The socio-psychological factors which were estimated to form each standard in each subject were examined from ten points of view and his life history was analyzed in detail.
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