加害者としての少年, 被害者としての少年 : ある対教師暴力事件をめぐる記述の政治学
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This paper studies how a criminal case is constructed in the interaction process prior to criminal investigation and prosecution, taking up a case of violence to a teacher in a junior high school. Spector and Kitsuse define social problems as the activities of individuals or groups making assertions of grievances and claims with respect to some putative conditions." Accoding to this perspective which we call social constructionism, the best approach to reach the reality of social problems is observation of discourses of grievances and claims in detail. We usually locate violence in the opposite side of speech. But the basis of violence is our linguistic activity regarding a situation as violence. Therefore, violence does not exist a priori in our empirical realm. It does exist in our speech about empirical realm. In this sense, violence is a kind of linguistic usage, and is situated in discourses spoken or written in daily life. A case of violence is created during our linguistic interaction process. The reason why a happening is regarded as a case of violence is employment of social categories of violence in discourses refering to a happening. Consequently, an important subject of social construtionism is making it clear how we interpret situation around us and how we use social categories for that purpose. While we interpret a case, what kind of linguistic resources are called out, and how we use them. This paper pays attention to the chain of discourses refering to a concrete criminal case and the interaction process which creates it, according to the frame of Micro-Politics of Trouble" by Emerson and Messinger, who say that a trouble appears through our talking activities about it during interaction process. Hence it follows that we bargain with each other about interpretation of character of a happening, i.e. politics of description" by Gubrium and Holstein develops in the process of definition of a trouble.
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