- 論文の詳細を見る
Symbolic interactionism provides a useful framework for understanding the process by which an individual or group becomes deviant. Such a view includes four assumptions. First, individuals or groups generate a deviant behavior to deal with problematic situations. Second, problematic situations are caused by their life conditions. Third, their choice of deviant behavior depends on how they can control their own action from the standpoint of universal social perspective. Finally, whether they continue the deviant behavior depends on what sort of time-perspectives they have. These assumptions apply to two deviant cases in Japan. One is the AIDS infection hemophiliacs caused by the blood industry. The other is violent action in everyday life committed by the underclass. In the former case, the corporation chooses a short-term deviance for the purpose of keeping their market-share. Not only Corporates, but special hemophilia physicians and Ministry of Health and Welfare officials never take or consider the universal perspective of giving priority to the safety and wellness of patients. The fact that corporation cannot act in a long term perspective under the conditions of significant pressures of getting immediate profits is also related to their deviance. In the latter case, violent behaviors mean the transcendence of deviant's closed future, limited social relationship and depressed everyday life. Unless the problematic situations are changed, deviants seem to continue their violent behaviors to try to recover their identities. These cases suggest that the problematic situations and social-time perspectives held by people will be likely to contribute to the constitution and continuity of deviant behavior.
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