- 論文の詳細を見る
Some people say that labeling thory has already been accepted as "normal science" of deviant approach and there is nothing new to delineate it now. Others say that it has some defects, such as conceptual ambiguity, ideological bias and the difficulty of application to empirical research, and therefore, we must abandon it today. Are these criticisms correct ? Can we say that we appreciate the uniqueness of labeling theory exactly ? The essence of its theory is the interaction approach which seeks to analyse social life dynamically by using the terms, such as significant worlds, interaction and process. Reconsidering the labeling theory from the interactionist viewpoint, we can easily understand that it seeks to analyse the complex and dynamic social interaction dramas of deviance which are performed by labeler, labelee, and audience. These dramas include degradation drama, monodrama (self-reflexive drama), indifferent drama and conflict drama. Our social life, especially significant world, is influenced by these deviant dramas. The influence is not limited to deviant amplification. There are other influences, such as deterrence of deviance, intensification of social control, elaboration of significant world, emergence of new meaning and normalization of deviance. We should now release the labeling theory from the narrow focus which tends to be concentrated on deviant amplification.
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