非行統制要因としての恥の考察 : 恥は犯罪・非行を抑止するか?
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Braithwaite, Australian criminologist, insists that, by classifying shaming into reintegrative-shaming and stigmatizing-shaming, the former type of shaming is more effective in deterring crime than the other and that reintegrative-shaming is formed in the society which has interdependency and communitarianism. I try to make clear the function of shaming in controlling crime and delinquency in this paper. Considering psychosocial mechanism of the formation of shame by studying the literature of self psychology and self theory, shame is born with the pain and vulnerability in the birth of self-feeling, self-consciousness and self-objectification (division of the self into I and me) by taking the role of the other and it defends against the disclosure of its pain. The defense mechanism against shaming appears with two directions ; one is self-shaming and the other is shamelessness with self-grandiosity. The former advances the self-objectification, self-denial and self-punishment, and it relates to the sense of guilt and shyness. In this case shaming serves to decrease delinquency because of the introversion of the behaviour. But in the latter case as individuals, try to hide the pain by self-grandiosity or self-exhibitionism, shaming serves to increase delinquency. As far as we consider shaming in the view of strain theory, shaming may be the factor of increase in deviant behaviour. The important thing is not shaming delinquents itself but is that the members of the family or the community they belong provide self-objects which share their pain and support them.
- 日本犯罪社会学会の論文
- 非行統制要因としての恥の考察 : 恥は犯罪・非行を抑止するか?
- 宝月 誠 著, 『逸脱論の研究 : レイベリング論から社会的相互作用論へ』, A5判, 330頁, 3,800円, 恒星社厚生閣
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