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PURPOSE ; A significant feature of homicides committed by females is the fact that the largest portion of the victims were children of their own. In particular, the ratio of the neonates within twenty-four hours after birth is great among victims. In this report, at first, the authors analyzed two groups of neonaticide classifing victimd into legitimate and illegitimate neonates to clarify the differences of the two groups. Second, the authors tried to classify neonaticides by the Method of Hayashi's Quantitative Theory III (Pattern Analysis). SUBJECTS ; Subjects of this study were 93 female defendants sentenced at district courts from 1976 to 1980 in eleven prefectures (Tokyo, Kanagawa, Chiba, Saitama, Yamanashi, Nagano, Niigata, Shizuoka, Ibaragi, Tochigi, and Gunma), whose victims were neonates within 24 hours after their birth. METHOD ; From the documents of written judgements of female defendants of neonaticide at district courts, the authors recorded investigation items which include attributes of defendants, criminal facts, backgrounds of crimes, and the sentences. Then each item of investigation was analyzed statistically. RESULTS ; I. Characteristics and Backgrounds of Two Groups ・・・・・・・・・neonaticide of legitimate and illegitimate children・・・・・・・・・ " During the past twenty years, neonaticide of legitimate children is remarkably increasing. The portion of legitimate children among victims of neonaticide has become 50 %, although it was only 15 % twenty years ago. a) neonaticide of legitimate children ; Defendants are mostly house-wives in their early thirties who have two or three children already. Their main motive of crime is poverty. They are afraid that they are unable to bring up the whole children if new-born babies join the family. In addition, they suffer domestic problems such as husbands' indifference to family problems. b) neonaticide of illegitimate children ; Defendants are mostly young (under twenty-four years old), and unmarried, and have problems of their own. For example, they show sexual promiscuity, and change jobs frequently. Their motives for neonaticide are shame, unwanted child, fear for exposure of pregnancy or birth of children of out of wedlock in addition to poverty. II. Cldssification by Pattern Analysis The following five dimensions are abstracted to classify the neonaticide ; 1st dimension (attributes of defendants) <young unmarried women>___<(+)>・・・・・・・・・<married poor housewives with children>___<(-)> 2nd dimension (particular victim) <victim is a grandchild>___<(-)> 3rd dimension (family backgrounds) <deficiency of family function>___<(+)> 4th dimension (characteristics of defendants) <pleasure-seeker>___<(+)>・・・・・・・・・・・・ psychopathy___<(-)> 5th dimension (way of living of defendants) <unfaithful to husband>___<(+)>・・・・・・・・・・・・<isolated in the family>___<(-)> Accoding to these dimensions, neonaticides were classified into eight groups.
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