西ドイツのラベリング論研究 : その書誌学的素描
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Today, criminology and sociological criminology in our country pay attention to "labeling approach" as a new perspective. Some of the so-called "traditional (main-stream, conservative)" criminologists are susceptible to this approach, probably because it is not yet a theory but a scientific perspective. Labeling approach has been introduced into Japan mainly with the analysis of its appearance in U. S. A, but infact labeling approach has been discussed in the West Germany as extensively as in U. S. A. Since Fritz Sack adovocated new perspective in the W-Germany in 1968, K. D. Opp, G. Kaiser and other theorists have disputed about this approach. Some have supported it and others have had more critical views. AJK (Arbeitskreis Junger Kriminologen) has frequently held symposiums in Bielefeld which attracted many young criminologists. These circumstances and the related information are in the "Kriminologisches Journal", which is the organ of AJK. Now, the obiect of this paper is to present a biblio-graphical bird's-eye view of how the labeling approach has developed in the West Germany and how it has influenced traditional criminology. Therefore, this paper cites and introduces a number of works. In conclusion, this sketch I hope gives us the full picture of labeling approach arid labeling studies in the West Germany. Nevertheless, I fear that this paper does not discuss individual problems (about police, procecution and the court etc.) to the full. We must note the efforts of researches and studies about "Sozial-Kontrolle-Instanz" and dark number studies there. In Japan, we will have to more study how the process of criminalization is in the series of our criminal justice systems and how "Selektive Sanktion" is secured.
- 日本犯罪社会学会の論文