我が国のいじめの現状とその対策 (課題研究 『いじめ』現象への視座)
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Recently bullying at schools has become a significant phenomenon in Japan. Since 1980, bullying the weaker in junior high schools is getting to be an especially serious problem. On Feburuary 1, 1986, Mr. Hirofumi Shikagawa, a Nakano-Fujimi junior high school student, committed suicide because of ill-treatment by a classmate. On November 27, 1994, Mr. Kiyoteru Okochi who is a Tobu junior high school student also killed himself for being bullied by friends. The purpose of this paper is, then, to clarify the reasons why these problems are occuring at schools and to find out how to prevent such problems. First of all, I have analysed my empirical research which was carried out from October 20th to November 5th, 1994, in cooperation with the National Police Agency. Secondly, I have talked about the causes of bullying at schools in terms of: 1) character of school children, 2) family, 3) school, and 4) community environments. Finally, at the end of this paper, I have mentioned the countermeasures toward bullying at schools. Frankly speaking, there are no effective countermeasures to the problems of bullying at schools at this moment because there are many complicated circumstances. However, it is a very important task for us to rescue the bullied children as soon as possible. Then, we have to listen sincerely to what the students are talking about in their school lives. Futhermore, it is also an important task for us to estabiish a good relationship between the teachers and students. I belive that the best remedy for stopping the bullying at schools is to understand the feelings of children in which I have recommended in my empirical research.
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