組織の逸脱行動と責任の帰属 : 国際比較
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When actors within corporate hierarchies take "actions" on behalf of their organizations, how would the responsibility of the actions be attributed to various elements, such as actors, actors superiors who have the authority of decision making, or organizations? In addition, how would the attribution of responsibility be affected by various circumstantial factors, such as the types of decision making, awareness of possible consequence, and rank within the organizational hierarchy? This study focused on the responsibility of wrongdoing within corporate hierarchies, often described as "corporate crime." Survey of random sample of 600 adults was conducted respectively in Washington, D. C., U. S. A., Tokyo, Japan, and Moscow, Russia. Respondents heard 6 vignettes, 4 basic ones and 2 tentative ones, about wrongdoing in corporate settings. Manipulations include actor's awareness of possible consequence (higt intent vs. low intent), actor's hierarchical position (authority vs. subordinate), and other's influence in the decision making process (independent, collective, ordered by the superior). 4 basic vignettes are automobile safety problem, drug's side effect, news on environmental pollution, and dumping of toxic substance. 2 tentative vignettes are abandoned substance and bribe. Respondents evaluated the responsibility of the actor's, that of actor's, that of actor's superiors who have the authority of decision making, and that of the corporate, as well as the avoidability of possile consequence, seriousness of the consequence, and so forth. Results indicated that the responsibility of the actor for what happened was greatest when the actor was an authority and was acting independently. Hierarchical position and other's influence also interacted in the three cities, such that authorities were excused less for collective decision making or ordered by the superior than were subordinates. Avoidability showed the similar results as that of responsibility, and was larger when the actor was authority than when the actor was subordinate. Responsibility of the organization was high in Japan and the U. S. A. but was low in Russia, while the responsibility of the actor was low in Japan but was high in Russia. Responsibility of the actor's superior and colleagues was higher in the U. S. A. than in Japan. Position of the actor and other's influence also showed the statistical significance in the evaluation of responsibility of superior and colleagues.
- 日本犯罪社会学会の論文
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