バリストカルジオグラフィーに關する研究(第2報) : 先天性心疾患についてのバリスト法的觀察
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By the use of ballistocardiograph of modified von Wittern's table which has natural frequency of 0.6 cps. and is capable of taking simultaneous two directional records, longitudinal and lateral or sagital records were taken on 6 cases with pulmonary stenosis, 6 cases with patent ductus arteriousus, 11 cases with atrial septal defect, 8 cases with ventricular septal defect and 5 cases with coarctation of the aorta, and these records were analysed from the view points of hemodynamics studied by right heart catheterization. Thus the following results were gained.1. Pulmonary stenosis : Longitudinal IJ_M showed a tendency to be decreased but Ra and IK/IJ ratio had a tendency to be decreased. In cases with elevated right ventricular pressure, as compared to those of low right ventricular pressure, the ratio of amplitude of lateral and sagital systolic wave complex to that of longitudinal IJ_M tended to be increased. There was also a tendency for R-I interval to be shortened and for R-J interval to be prolonged.2. Patent ductus arteriosus : Longitudinal IJ_M, Ra and JK/IJ ratio showed a tendency to be increased and HI/IJ ratio tended to be decreased. In cases with great shunt flow (shunt rate of more than 50%) and elevated pulmonary arterial pressure, lateral and sagital systolic wave complex showed a marked increase in the amplitude. R-J and R-K interval ahd a tendency to be shortened. On the other hand, they were prolonged in two post-oprative cases.3. Atrial septal defect : Longitudinal IJ_M and Ra showed a tendency to be decreased. In cases with high shunt rate and elevated right ventricular pressure, lateral and sagital systolic wave complex showed a increased amplitude. R-I and R-J interval tended to be shortened.4. Ventricular septal defect : Longitudinal IJ_M and Ra showed a tendency to be decreased. In cases with high shunt rate, there was an increase in amplitude of lateral and/or sagital systolic wave complex. The increase in the amplitude was slight in cases with right to left shunt.5. Coarctation of the aorta : Longitudinal IJ_M and HI/IJ ratio tended to be increased and in all cases JK/IJ ratio showed a marked decrease.6. In deseases with left to right shunt flow (patent ductus arteriosus, atrial septal defect and ventricular septal defect), there was a positive correlation between shunt rate and the ratio of resultant force vector of lateral and sagital component to longitudinal force vector.
- 社団法人日本循環器学会の論文
- 1959-08-20
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