George Gerbner, Larry P.Gross and William H.Melody, eds., Communications Technology and Social Policy:Understanding the New Cultural Revolution., New York:John Wiley &Sons, 1973
日本のマスコミ研究 : 回顧と展望
報告 (日本のマスコミ研究--回顧と展望(〔日本新聞学会〕創作20周年記念シンポジウム)) -- (イデオロギー論・新聞学)
昭和三五年六月の新聞紙面の分析 : 六・一五事件を中心として
George Gerbner, Larry P.Gross and William H.Melody, eds., Communications Technology and Social Policy:Understanding the New Cultural Revolution., New York:John Wiley &Sons, 1973
Wilbur Schramm and Donald F.Roberts, eds.:The Process and Effects of Mass Communication, Urbana, Univ.of Illinois Press, 1971
William Rivers and Wilbur Schramm:Responsibility in Mass Communication, Revised Edition, New York, Harper and Row, 1969, William Rivers, Theodore Peterson & Jay W.Jensen:The Mass Media and Modern Society, Second Edition, San Francisco, Rinehart Press, 197
George Gerbner, Ole R.Holsti, Klaus Krippendorf, William J.Paisley, & Philip J.Stone, eds., The Analysis of Communication Content:Developments in Scientific Theories and Computer Techniques., New York:John Wiley & Sons, INC., 1969.
Herbert I.Schiller: Mass Communications and American Empire, New York, August, M.Kelley Publishers, 1969
外国におけるジャーナリズム論 : 米国を中心として(ジャーナリズム論の再検討)
Lerner, Daniel, and Wilbur Schramm, eds., Communication and Change in the Developing Countries. Honolulu, East-West Center Press, 1967.
Theodore Peterson, Jay W.Jensen, & William, L.Rivers:The Mass Media and Modern Society, New York:Holt, Rinehart and Winston, 1965.
岐路に立つ新聞学 : これからの課題と方法
新聞総合調査委員会編, 『社会生活とマス・コミュニケーション』, 近代科学社刊
アレオパヂティカ : 一六四四年
Ralph O. Nafziger & David Manning White, eds. Introduction to Mass Communications Research, Louisiana State University Press, 1958
Ralph O.Nafziger & David Manning White,eds.Introduction to Mass Communications Research.1958
フランシス・ウィリアムズ著, 上原和夫・志賀正照共訳, 『脅かす第四階級---ここまで来た言論』, 有紀書房
The Process and Effects of Mass Communication, Edited by Wilbur Schramm(University of Illinois Press, Urbana, 1954)