- 論文の詳細を見る
In the previous paper, some facts concerning heart-rate regulation were studied using drug induced bradycardia and tachycardia in the following : 1) Ablation experiments, in other words, vagus and anastomosis from Ggl. stellatum to vagus (Rami anastomosa) were cut at each point as follows : (Ggl. stellatum-rami anastomosa of vagus-N. aorticus-N. vagus-Ggl. nodosum) or extirpation of Ggl. tellatum.2) Blocking experiments by the use of some blockades such as procaine HCl, procaine amide, C_6,TEA, atropine, atropine-N-methyl, chlorpromazine, dibenamine, DHK, Hydergine and etc.From the results above, it was resumed that : 1) In the vagus of rabbit, there were centripetal and fugal paths which concerned veratrine (Ver) bradycardia, and this bradycardia occurred through this Vago-vagal reflex. On the other hand, the path in vagus concerning adrenaline (Adr) or digitalis (Dig), histamine (Hist) or BaCl_2,was not centripetal but solely fugal, and these bradycardia occurred through Sympathico-vagal reflex (Tokita).2) The balance between sympathicus and parasympathicus was maintained not only at periphery, but regulated at centre by reflexes through centripetal path (anastomosis and vagus).In this paper, above facts were further investigated to ascertain, anesthetizing both vagi with various concentrations of procaine HCl, instead of cutting nervi.Ver was injected intravenously after both vagi were infiltrated by 0.1% Procaine HCl, then heart-rate diminished to 80-90% of before injection (14 cases), but in contrast to this fact, Ver bradycardia was 20-50% in the rabbits without procaine anesthesia.This fact can be remarked that Ver bradycardia almostly disappeared with 0.1% of procaine anesthesia.In this condition, Adr bradycardia (15γ/kg, i. v.) appeared in all of 13 cases (Heart-rate were 40-50% of average). Equal to Adr, drug induced bradycardia occurred as follows : Hist (0.1 mg/kg, i. v.), 6 cases in 11. Heart-rate were 70% of before the injection. (Without procaine anesthesia, Hist induced bradycardia were in 10 cases of 16) : BaCl_2,5 cases in 7 (Control, 13 in 16) : Ext of Dig leaf (20 mg/kg), i. v., every 5 min, 5-10 times), 5 cases in 6 (Control 9 in 12 cases).From the facts above, it can be resumed that, after 0.1% of procaine anesthesia, Adr, Hist, Dig or BaCl_2 bradycardia still remained, though Ver bradycardia disappeared. In other words, the centripetal path was more sensitive to procaine HCl (0.1%) than the fugal, and even when the centripetal was anesthetized, the fugal was intact. This fact was proved by electrical stimulation.When both vagi were infiltrated with 0.02% of procaine HCl, occurred the bradycardia by Ver (0.1 mg/kg, i. v., 10 cases in 11), Adr (4 cases in 4), Hist (6 cases in 11), BaCl_2 (4 cases in 7), Dig (4 cases in 4). These facts showed, that both centripetal and fugal paths were intact, when anesthetized with 0.02% of procaine HCl.Furthermore, when both vagi were infiltrated by 0.5% of procaine HCl, occurred Ver bradycardia, and also Adr (15γ/kg, 2 cases in 8), Dig (0 cases in 2), BaCl_2 (10 mg/kg, 0 cases in 6), Hist (0.1 mg/kg, 0 cases in 7). By these facts it can be resumed that centripetal paths in vagus were completely blocked with 0.5% of procaine HCl.SUMMARY While both vagi were anesthetized with 0.1% (not 0.02% or 0.5%) of procaine HCl, bradycardia by Adr, Dig, Hist or BaCl_2 existed, even if Ver bradycardia disappeared. And from this fact, the results reported in the previous paper were further ascertained by the experiments with the concentration of 0.1% of procaine HCl.
- 社団法人日本循環器学会の論文
- 1958-05-20
- 184) 心搏調節機構(第3報)(第22回日本循環器學會總會(後半))
- ジギタリス作用機構(心搏)について
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- 反射から見たジギタリス徐脈,速脈および血圧上昇〔英文〕
- 水俣病の心電図所見について : 第22回日本循環器学会関東甲信越地方学会総会
- 27) 心臟機能(心搏)調節機構補遺實驗(第6回日本循環器學會關東地方學會總會)
- 自律神經機能調節機構心臓機能(心搏)調節機構(第2報)
- 12. 気管支反応からみた親子関係(喘息患者)とその家系調査(第12回日本アレルギー学会総会)
- 413. ネコの水俣病の原因に関する実験的研究,各種臓器,毛髪および尿中のHg含量について (工業中毒-水銀 附 水俣病)
- 担癌ラットの心臓所見について : 第23回日本循環器学会関東用信越地方学会総会
- 41) 23ショックの心電図による観察(第11回日本循環器学会関東地方学会総会)
- 41) 抜歯現象に関する研究 : ラット及モルの場合の心電図所見並びに組織所見(第24回 日本循環器学会総会)
- 子宮現象時の心電図所見について : 第23回日本循環器学会関東用信越地方学会総会
- 26) 自律神経機能調節機構(血管及び心搏)VI : 中枢に関する研究(I)(第13回日本循環器学会関東・甲信越地方学会総会)
- 40) 抜歯ショック(抜歯現象)に関する研究(第11回日本循環器学会関東地方学会総会)
- 364) ジギタリス作用機構補遺(日本循環器學會第19回總會記事)
- 363) 冬眠麻醉動物に及ぼすジギタリスの影響(日本循環器學會第19回總會記事)
- 25 心臓アナフィキラシーに関する実験的研究(その3)(第9回日本アレルギー学会総会記録)
- モルモットのジフテリアアナフィラキシーの心電図学的研究 : 第16回日本循環器学会関東甲信越地方学会総会
- 20 Anaphylactic shock の薬理学的研究(第9回日本アレルギー学会総会記録)
- 33 ペニシリン・ショックに関する実験的研究 (4) : 感作動物のペニシリン, アセチールコリン, ヒスタミンに対する態度について(第9回日本アレルギー学会総会記録)
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- On the opening motion of mouth and vomiting of frogs after the digitalis preparations and on their mechanisms