ポリオキシンに関する研究VIII : イネ紋枯病に対する作用機作
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Po1yoxins, antifungal antibiotics produced by Streptomyces cacaoi var. asoensis, are consisted of many active fractions such as A, B, D, E, F, G and etc., and have antifungal activities selectively against several plant pathogenic fungi. In this paper, fungjcidal activities of Po1yoxins against sheath b1ight of rice Pellicularia sasakii (Shirai) S. Ito, and behaviours in plant tissue were in vestigated. Among many active fractions, D frhction was the most effective for control of this disease. In vitro, Polyoxin complex was more active than organic arsenic compounds and other fungicides against the fungus. In the pot test in greenhouse, Polyoxin complex showed the same protective effect and the same inhibitory effect on deve1opment of lesion as methanearsonic acid-ferric, ammonium salt complex. Treating on rice Plants, Polyoxin complex showed about the same stabi1ity for ultraviolet as those of organic arsenic compounds. By bioassay method, it was recognized that Polyoxin complex penetrated into leaves of kidney bean from back side to surface and sheaths of rice plants from surface to tissue inside. Dipping the cut end of stem of kidney bean and no wounded root of rice plant into the solution of Polyoxin complex, are markable amount of Polyoxin complex was found to be absorbed and transiocated. Being treated by Polyoxin complex on sheaths of rice plant, no ricing of active fraction of Polyoxin was observed in the upper part of no wounded sheaths or diseased sheaths of rice plants, but a remarkable amount of active fraction of Polyoxin was observed in the upper of sheaths which were injured by needle prick method. We could not obtain any definite results of penetration of Polyoxin complex into myce11um of sheath b1ight of rice plant.
- 日本植物病理学会の論文
- 1968-09-30
江口 潤
佐々木 茂樹
鈴木 三郎
鈴木 三郎
土山 哲夫
江口 潤
佐々木 茂樹
太田 農夫也
赤柴 健夫
土山 哲夫
古川 靖
太田 農夫也
赤柴 健夫
佐々木 茂樹
太田 農夫也
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- 37 ポリオキシンの構造研究
- ポリオキシンに関する研究-8,9-
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