稲熱病斑の組織化学的研究 : III. 病斑周辺の呼吸について
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This paper deals with the changes in the respiration of leaf tissues infected by Piricularia oryzae. Rice varieties, Aiti-asahi (susceptible) and Kanto 53 (resistant) were used. Leaf lesions occurring on these varieties were classified into 5 types as shown diagramatically in Fig. 1. Lesions of the types 3, 4 and 5 were used for the experiments. Types 4 and represent the lesions on the susceptible var-5ety and type 3 represents the lesion on the iresistant variety. From each lesion, the central necrotic area is removed and a marginal zone of about 3 mm width was taken as the material for measurement of the respiration rate. If the tissue is resistant, the respiration is stimulated to some extent, not exeeding over two times as that of non-infected tissue, while f the tissue is susceptible, the respiration is stimulated up to 4 to 5 times. The RQ gives usually 0.8 in the healthy, and 0.9 in the infected tissues. The diminution of Pasteur effect (shown by Q^<air>_<Co_2&t;/Q^<N_2>_<Co_2>) is remarkeble in the susceptible tissue, but in the resistant tissue it is not affected. The respiration of resistant tissue is inhibited by 10-25 per cent by such metal enzyme inhibitors as NaN_3, 8-hydroxyquinoline, and salicylaldoxime, while, that of susceptible tissue is not affected, suggesting that flavoprotein enzyme works as terminal oxidase in the infected tissue, in place of metal protein enzymes. The above mentioned change of terminal oxidase system in the infected tissue is probable because it is already known that P. oryzae produces two toxins, α-picolinic acid and piricularin and that these are inhibitory to metal enzymes (Tamari et al.) The writers consider that the main cause of unusual stimulation of respiration and the diminution of Pasteur effect in susceptible tissue is the change of terminal oxidase, from metal protein to flavoprotein.
- 日本植物病理学会の論文
- 1957-12-31
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- (163) 稲熱病斑の組織化学的研究 : 病斑周辺組織の酸化酵素活性と褐変機構について (病害抵抗性(昭和33年度 日本植物病理学会大会講演要旨))
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