菜豆炭疽病抵抗性の品種間差異に關する研究 : 第2報 炭疽病菌の侵入及び細胞組織侵害經過の觀察
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The microscopic investigations were carried out on the process of infection of Colletotrichum Lindemuthianum Briosi et Cavara to the bean varieties being resistant or susceptible to the anthracnose. The observations have been performed upon the appressoria formation of the fungus on the epidermal tissue of bean plants, and upon the invasion and further development of the hyphae in the host tissues as well as the causal morbid changes of the cell-tissues. In the experiments we have used the D-strain of bean anthracnose fungus as the inoculum, and two susceptible varieties i. e., Tenashi-naga-uzura, Hon-Kintoki and 5 resistant varieties i. e., Tenashi-chunaga-uzura, Satisfaction, Indian Chief, Beni-kintoki, O-tebo. On the susceptible varieties, Tanashi-naga-uzura and Hon-kintoki, large sunken reddish-brown lesions having numerous acervuli were formed on the inoculated tissues, while on the resistant varieties, Tenashi-chunaga-uzura, Satisfaction and Indian Chief, very small reddish-brown lesions appeared. In the cases of the highly resistant varieties, Beni-kintoki and O-tebo, no lesion was recognized by naked eyes. The appressoria formation and invasion of the hyphae occurred equally on both susceptible and resistant varieties. More than 70% of the appressoria were formed on the part of middle lamellae of epidermal cells. The protoplasmic morbid changes occurred in the resistant plants, Tenashi-chunaga-uzura, Satisfaction and Indian Chief, were induced very rapidly by invasion of the hyphae and the cells surrounding the point of infection turned brown remarkably. However, the further development of the mycelia in the tissues was checked in general, and the lesions appeared as only very small reddish-brown spots. The similar phenomena were observed in the cases of highly resistant varieties, O-tebo and Beni-kintoki, and the lesions were far more minute owing to fewer number of the browned cells. These minute lesions formed on the highly resistant varieties were almost invisible macroscopically. On the other hand, the protoplasmic morbid changes in the susceptible varieties progressed slowly, and no marked symptom was recognized until the mycelia had developed widely in tissues, and severe destruction of them took place rather suddenly.
- 日本植物病理学会の論文
- 1953-03-31
- 稻胡麻葉枯病菌の系統による病原性の分化に就て
- 北海道に於けるヱゾマツ青變菌に就いて
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- (22) 二種の有機水銀劑の混合に關する研究 (昭和28年度秋季北海道部会)
- (55) 二種の有機水銀劑の混合による殺菌性の變化 (昭和28年度春季大會 (1))
- 菜豆炭疽病抵抗性の品種間差異に關する研究 : 第2報 炭疽病菌の侵入及び細胞組織侵害經過の觀察
- 菜豆炭疽病菌の越冬について (昭和26年度日本農學會臨時大會)
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- 病原性を異にする菜豆炭疽病菌二系統の混合接種及びその場合の寄主細胞の反應について (昭和26年度大會(第22囘日本農學大會))
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- 抵抗性発現の生機に就て
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- 北道海に於ける根腐病の發生とその分布 (昭和26年度日本農學會臨時大會)
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- 2, 3有機水銀劑の殺菌性に就て (昭和25年度春季大會)
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