Elevation of unloaded shortening velocity in slow-twitch muscle fibers following unloading
Yamashita-goto Katsumasa
Department Of Physiology Ii St. Marianna University School Of Medicine
Yoshioka Toshitada
Department Of Physiology And Biomechanics National Institute Of Fitness And Sports
Yamashita-goto Katsumasa
Department Of Physiology St.marianna University School Of Medicine
Yoshioka Toshitada
Department Of Physiology St.marianna University School Of Medicine:aomori University Of Health And W
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- 23. Loading-dependent regeneration of injured skeletal muscle in mice(The Proceedings of the 15th Annual Meetings of Japan Society of Exercise and Sports Physiology July 26-27, (Hirosaki))
- 22. Regenerative potential of injured mice skeletal muscle with G-CSF and/or immobilization(The Proceedings of the 15th Annual Meetings of Japan Society of Exercise and Sports Physiology July 26-27, (Hirosaki))
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