Histochemical Responses of Human Soleus Muscle Fibers to Long-Term Bedrest with or without Countermeasures
Yamashita-goto Katsumasa
Yamashita-goto Katsumasa
Department Of Physiology Ii St. Marianna University School Of Medicine
Yoshioka Toshitada
Department Of Physiology And Biomechanics National Institute Of Fitness And Sports
OHIRA Yoshinobu
Department of Physiology and Biomechanics National Institute of Fitness and Sports
Department of Physiology and Biomechanics National Institute of Fitness and Sports
National Center for Neurology and Psychiatry
OHARA Makoto
Department of Physiology and Biomechanics National Institute of Fitness and Sports
IZUMI Ryutaro
Japan Space Utilization Promotion Center
Japan Space Utilization Promotion Center
National Space Development Agency of Japan
Department of Neurophysiology, Institute of Biomedical Problems
Department of Neurophysiology, Institute of Biomedical Problems
Yasukawa Koh
Izumi R
Japan Space Utilization Promotion Center
Shenkman Boris
Shenkman Boris
Department Of Neurophysiology Institute Of Biomedical Problems
Yoshinaga Tomoo
Faculty of Physical Education, Chukyo University, Tokodate, Kaizu-cho, Toyota 470-0348, Japan
Sekiguchi Chiharu
Faculty Of Physical Education Chukyo University Tokodate Kaizu-cho Toyota 470-0348 Japan
Kozlovskaya Inessa
Department Of Neurophysiology Institute Of Biomedical Problems
Nonaka I
National Center For Neurology And Psychiatry
Nonaka Ikuya
National Center For Nervous. Mental And Musculor Disorders
Ohira Y
Toyama Medical And Pharmaceutical Univ. Toyama Jpn
Ohira Yoshinobu
Department Of Kinesiology University Of California
Ohira Yoshinobu
Department Of Health And Sports Sciences Graduate School Of Frontier Biosciences Osaka University
- 1-P-5 Effects of the combination of heat stress and dietary antioxidant intake on the recovery of atrophied muscle(The Proceedings of the 18th Annual Meetings of Japan Society Exercise and Sports Physiology Jury 31 August 1, (Kagoshima))
- Histochemical Responses of Human Soleus Muscle Fibers to Long-Term Bedrest with or without Countermeasures
- Effects of Spaceflight on Enzyme Activities and Ultrastructure of Fast-Type Skeletal Muscles of Rats
- A-band Movement and Junctional Gap Dissociation during Caffeine-induced Contracture of Skeletal Muscle Fibers
- S-I-2 Prevention of sarcopenia by antioxidants intake(The Proceedings of the 18th Annual Meetings of Japan Society Exercise and Sports Physiology Jury 31 August 1, (Kagoshima))
- 1-P-25 Effects of loading on the activation of satellite cells during the regeneration and regrowth in skeletal muscle in mice(The Proceedings of the 17th Annual Meetings of Japan Society of Exercise and Sports Physiology Jury 25-26, (Tokyo))
- 1-P-03 Prevention of skeletal muscle atrophy by the combination of intermittent reloading and heat stress(The Proceedings of the 17th Annual Meetings of Japan Society of Exercise and Sports Physiology Jury 25-26, (Tokyo))
- 1-P-02 The effects of heat stress on skeletal muscle atrophy as seen from the expression of cytoskeletal protein(The Proceedings of the 17th Annual Meetings of Japan Society of Exercise and Sports Physiology Jury 25-26, (Tokyo))
- S-V-2 A possible role of heat stress in the plasticity of skeletal muscles(The Proceedings of the 17th Annual Meetings of Japan Society of Exercise and Sports Physiology Jury 25-26, (Tokyo))
- Functional Overloading Facilitates the Regeneration of Injured Soleus Muscles in Mice
- 2A-O-09 Proteomic analysis of altered protein expressions in heat-stressed skeletal muscle in mice(The Proceedings of the 16th Annual Meetings of Japan Society of Exercise and Sports Physiology August 2-3, (Nara))
- 2P-P-07 Age-related differences in signal transduction during recovery in atrophied plantaris muscle induced by immobilization(The Proceedings of the 16th Annual Meetings of Japan Society of Exercise and Sports Physiology August 2-3, (Nara))
- 2P-P-04 Effect of the long term dietary antioxidant intakes on protein synthesis system in rat skeletal muscle(The Proceedings of the 16th Annual Meetings of Japan Society of Exercise and Sports Physiology August 2-3, (Nara))
- 23. Loading-dependent regeneration of injured skeletal muscle in mice(The Proceedings of the 15th Annual Meetings of Japan Society of Exercise and Sports Physiology July 26-27, (Hirosaki))
- 22. Regenerative potential of injured mice skeletal muscle with G-CSF and/or immobilization(The Proceedings of the 15th Annual Meetings of Japan Society of Exercise and Sports Physiology July 26-27, (Hirosaki))
- 14. Heat shock protein-inducer facilitates the differentiation of skeletal muscle cells(The Proceedings of the 15th Annual Meetings of Japan Society of Exercise and Sports Physiology July 26-27, (Hirosaki))
- Skeletal Muscle Hypertrophy Induced by Low-Intensity Exercise with Heat-Stress in Healthy Human Subjects
- Heat stress facilitates the regeneration of injured skeletal muscle in rats
- Estrogen Administration Attenuates Immobilization-Induced Skeletal Muscle Atrophy in Male Rats
- 2AC3 Postnatal changes in the signal transduction pathways involved in the muscular hypertrophy of the rat plantaris muscle(The Proceeding of the 14th Annual Meeting of Japan Society of Exercise and Sports Physiology July 29-30, (Hiroshima))
- 2B-08 The influence of the different heat exposure time on signal transduction during the recovery from skeletal muscle atrophy(Muscular Function, The Proceedings of the 13th Annual Meetings of Japan Society of Exercise and Sports Physiology July 30-31, (
- Heat Stress as a Countermeasure for Prevention of Muscle Atrophy in Microgravity Environment
- P2-8 Estrogen administration attenuates skeletal muscle atrophy induced immobilization of male rats(The Proceedings of the 12th Annual Meetings of Japan Society of Exercise and Sports Physiology)
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- Mitochondrial Space in Rat Skeletal Muscles with Long-Term Injection of Steroid Hormone
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- Molecular Characterization of the Mouse mtprd Gene, a Homologue of Human TPRD: Unique Gene Expression Suggesting Its Critical Role in the Pathophysiology of Down Syndrome^1
- 1B-19 Analysis of the contribution of the respiratory system to the maximal oxygen uptake using the artificially Added Dead Space Method(Respiratory Function, The Proceedings of the 13th Annual Meetings of Japan Society of Exercise and Sports Physiology J
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- 2P11 Decrease in oxygen uptake during exercise by artificial added dead space 820 ml
- 149 Increase of Peripheral Resistance Acts Pressor Response during Static Exercise
- 1PD8 Selective stimulation on vasoconstriction of vascular smooth muscle in cold pressure test(The Proceeding of the 14th Annual Meeting of Japan Society of Exercise and Sports Physiology July 29-30, (Hiroshima))
- Elevation of unloaded shortening velocity in slow-twitch muscle fibers following unloading
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- Relationship Between Exercise-Induced Creatine Kinase Release and Its Activity in Muscles
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- S3-2 Role of stress proteins in muscular hypertrophy(The Proceedings of the 12th Annual Meetings of Japan Society of Exercise and Sports Physiology)
- Primary non-Hodgkin's lymphoma in the dorsolumbar muscles
- A double mutation (G11778A and G12192A) in mitochondrial DNA associated with Leber's hereditary optic neuropathy and cardiomyopathy
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- Heat Stress Facilitates the Recovery of Atrophied Soleus Muscle in Rat
- Heat-Stress Enhances Proliferative Potential in Rat Soleus Muscle
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- Thermogenic Responses to High-Energy Phosphate Contents and/or Hindlimb Suspension in Rats
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- P1-22 Shift of the heart rate-oxygen uptake regression line by repeated alternative exercise testing with or without artificial added dead space(The Proceedings of the 12th Annual Meetings of Japan Society of Exercise and Sports Physiology)
- 2P14:Decrease in blood pressure during static exercise with alternating arms
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- 2-A-05 Autolysis of calpain 1 and 2 during hindlimb unloading was attenuated by intermittent reloading with heat stress in rat soleus muscle(The Proceedings of the 19th Annual Meetings of Japan Society of Exercise and Sports Physiology August 25・26, (Toku
- 2-A-03 Fibertype-specific expression of alpha-actinin3 protein in rat diaphragm after 12-h mechanical ventilation(The Proceedings of the 19th Annual Meetings of Japan Society of Exercise and Sports Physiology August 25・26, (Tokushima))
- Autosomal dominant Late-onset Quadriceps Myopathy: Three Patients of a Taiwanese Kindred
- A monoclonal antibody against a synthetic polypeptide fragment of dystrophin (amino acid sequence from position 215 to 264).
- 8. Improvement in Work Capacity after Total Dose Iron Treatment
- Control of muscle protein synthesis in response to exercise and amino acids
- Negative immunostaining of Duchenne muscular dystrophy(DMD) and mdx muscle surface membrane with antibody against synthetic peptide fragment predicted from DMD cDNA.
- Distal Myopathy in Multi-minicore Disease
- A Dystrophin Homologue on the Surface Membrane of Embryonic and Denervated mdx Mouse Muscle Fibers.
- Control of muscle protein synthesis in response to exercise and amino acids