Flood Regulation in Reservoir Using Robust Servo Controller
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A robust servo feed-back controller is developed for determining release discharges in a reservoir. The observed storage volume variation and its integral are used as the variables to be fed-back. The controller is designed in the framework of the H_∞ control theory. The details of the virtual plant to be controlled are explained. The designed control system is applied to flood regulation in a reservoir. A test problem is simulated using different values of time unit to examine the system performance. It is demonstrated that the control system has excellent servomechanism and robustness for observation and control errors.
- 日本雨水資源化システム学会の論文
Kawachi Toshihiko
Graduate School of Agricultural Science, Kyoto University
Unami Koichi
Graduate School of Agricultural Science, Kyoto University
Unami K
Graduate School Of Agriculture Kyoto University
Unami Koichi
Kyoto Univ. Kyoto Jpn
Unami Koichi
Graduate School Of Agriculture Kyoto University
Itagaki Hiroshi
Division Of Biological Production System Faculty Of Agriculture Gifu University
Unami Koichi
Graduate School Of Agricultural Science Kyoto University
Hada Akira
Graduate School of Agricultural Science, Kyoto University
Hada Akira
Graduate School Of Agricultural Science Kyoto University
Kawachi Toshihiko
Graduate School Of Agricultural Science Kyoto University
Kawachi Toshihiko
Graduate School Of Agriculture Kyoto University
Kawachi T
Graduate School Of Agricultural Science Kyoto University
Kawachi Toshihiko
Graduate School Of Agricultural Kyoto University
Unami Koichi
Kyoto University
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