- 論文の詳細を見る
- 2007-08-31
上田 徹
宇波 耕一
Graduate School of Agricultural Science, Kyoto University
宇波 耕一
宇波 耕一
Graduate School Of Agricultural Science Kyoto University
永野 正之
柴原 藤善
柴原 藤善
Unami Koichi
Kyoto University
- Controlling wasteloads from point and nonpoint sources to river system by GIS-aided Epsilon Robust Optimization model
- Infiltration Process in Rainfed Rice Field Soil of Ghanaian Inland Valley
- An Inverse Method to Estimate Soil Hydraulic Properties in Saturated-unsaturated Groundwater Flow Model
- 農業集水域における耕区への許容最大全窒素排出負荷量の最適配分
- 流入河川への許容最大負荷量の最適配分 : 湖沼水質の戦略的管理のための適用例
- Case study: Hydraulic modeling of runoff processes in Ghanaian inland valleys
- ロバスト最適化
- 琵琶湖の内湖再生を想定した外来魚侵入抑制の試み(第38回大会)
- 時間との戦い
- システム論的アプローチによる溜池の洪水緩和機能評価
- 水資源管理に対する制御工学的接近法(「21世紀型諸問題と制御工学・応用の接点特集号」)
- 余水吐急流部における空気連行流の構造の推定
- マルコフ過程モデルを用いた貯水池信頼性の解析
- Optimal Control of Open Channel Unsteady Flow Governed by Partial Differential Equation
- 計算手法と水資源に関する第3回国際会議の報告
- システム論的アプローチによる溜池の洪水緩和機能評価
- 余水吐急流部における空気連行流の構造の推定
- Dynamics of Nonpoint Source Pollutant Loadings from Agricultural Watershed : A Case Study in Paddy-farming Area with 122 Drainage Water Outfalls Exactly Identifiable
- 自然回復緑化における土壌シードバンク利用と市販種子利用の評価(第37回大会)
- Model-based Optimal Design of Land Use Arrangement for Environmentally Sound Watershed Management
- 兵庫県上郡町・安室川における淡水産紅藻チスジノリ配偶体の出現 : 特に河川の流量変化との関係について
- 自然公園区域における既存林修復の可能性実験(I) : 埋土種子ポテンシャル実験(第35回大会)
- 造成地における森林表土を用いた自然回復緑化に関する実験研究(第35回大会)
- 自然公園区域における既存林修復の可能性実験(II) : 森林表土吹きつけ実験(第36回大会)
- Hybrid Runoff Model Using 1-D Richards Equation and Linear Output Generator
- Comparison of Rainfed and Potential Yields of Maize and Cowpea on the Vertisols of Ghana
- Optimal Control of Interconnected Irrigation Tanks System
- Flood Regulation in Reservoir Using Robust Servo Controller
- Identification of Drifting Rainfall Distribution
- An Irrigation Tank for Harvesting Rainwater in Semi-arid Savannah Areas : Design and Construction Practices in Ghana/West Africa
- Experimental Studies on Effects of Discharge, Fall Height, and Water Depth of Downstream Tank in Aerated Flow at Weir
- A refined hydro-environmental watershed model with field-plot-scale resolution
- A physically based FVM watershed model fully coupling surface and subsurface water flows
- A stochastic model for behaviour of fish ascending an agricultural drainage system
- Fuzzy optimization model for integrated management of total nitrogen loads from distributed point and nonpoint sources in watershed
- A distributed hydro-environmental watershed model with three-zoned cell profiling
- Systematic assessment of flood mitigation in a tank irrigated paddy fields area
- Application of One-Dimensional Shallow Water Model to Flows in Open Channels with Bends