Prospective Randomized Trial for Optimal Prophylactic Treatment of the Upper Gastrointestinal Complications After Open Heart Surgery
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Background Upper gastrointestinal bleeding is a lethal complication after open heart surgery. We designed a prospective randomized trial to test the efficacy of different antisecretory agents to prevent upper gastrointestinal disease after operation. Methods and Results A total of 210 patients were divided into 3 groups : group I had 70 patients who had mucosal protection (teprenone 150mg/day), group II had 70 patients who had histamine 2-receptor antagonist (ranitidine 300mg/day), and group III included 70 patients who had a proton pump inhibitor (rabeprazole 10mg/day). Gastric fiberscopy was used in all patients postoperatively during days 5 to 7. We compared the 3 groups in terms of endoscopic findings. Four patients (5.7%) had gastric bleeding complications in each of groups I and II ; 2 died of coagulopathy. In group III no patients had gastric bleeding. The incidence of hemorrhagic gastritis was significantly higher in groups I (22.9%) and II (15.7%) than in III (2.9%) (p=0.0003). The incidence of active ulcers was also significantly higher in groups I (28.6%) and II (21.4%) than in III (4.3%) (p=0.0001). Conclusions Early medication postoperative by a proton pump inhibitor was shown to be the most effective treatment and indeed might be described as mandatory to prevent upper gastrointestinal diseases after open heart surgery.
- 2005-02-20
Sezai Akira
Department Of Cardiovascular Surgery Nihon University School Of Medicine
Hata Mitsumasa
Department of Thoracic and Cardiovascular Surgery, Nihon University School of Medicine
Department of Cardiovascular Surgery, Nihon University School of Medicine
Negishi N
Department Of Cardiovascular Surgery Nihon University School Of Medicine
Negishi Nanao
日本大学 医学部心臓血管外科学分野
Negishi Nanao
Department Of Cardiovascular Surgery Nihon University School Of Medicine
Department of Cardiovascular Surgery, Nihon University School of medicine
SEZAI Yukiyasu
Department of Cardiovascular Surgery, Nihon University School of medicine
Iida Mitsuru
Department Of Cardiovascular Surgery Nihon University School Of Medicine
Wakui Sinji
From Department Of Thoracic And Cardiovascular Surgery Nihon University Hospital
Hata Mitsumasa
The Department Of Cardiac Surgery Austin & Repatriation Medical Centre University Of Melbourne
Department of Cardiovascular Surgery, Nihon University School of Medicine
Taoka Makoto
Department of Cardiovascular Surgery, Nihon University
Taoka Makoto
Department Of Cardiovascular Surgery Nihon University
Yoshitake Isamu
Department Of Cardiovascular Surgery Nihon University School Of Medicine
Department of Cardiovascular Surgery, Nihon University School of Medicine
Shiono Motomi
Division Of Cardiovascular Surgery Department Of Surgery Nihon University Scool Of Medicine
Hattori Tsutomu
Department Of Cardiovascular Surgery Nihon University School Of Medicine
Wakui Sinji
Department Of Cardiovascular Surgery Nihon University School Of Medicine
Hata Mitsumasa
Department Of Cardiac Surgery Austin & Repatriation Medical Centre University Of Melbourne
Department of Cardiovascular Surgery, Nihon University School of Medicine
Sekino Hospital
Sekino Hospital
Soeda Masao
Department Of Cardiovascular Surgery Nihon University School Of Medicine
Shiono Motomi
Department Of Cardiovascular Surgery Nihon University School Of Medicine
Shiono Motomi
The 2nd. Department Of Surgery Nihon University
Sezai Yukiyasu
The Chairman Of The Board Japanese Association For Coronary Artery Surgery The Former President Of N
Sezai Yukiyasu
The 2nd. Department Of Surgery Nihon University
Negishi Nanao
Division Of Cardiovascular Surgery Department Of Surgery Nihon University School Of Medicine
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