- 論文の詳細を見る
To study the effect of the temperature of drinking water on thermoregulatory responses during exercise, quantitative analysis was made for heart production, heart losses through convection, conduction and evaporation, and heat storage during exercise at constant intensity. Subjects drank water of various temperatures (1,16, 37℃) during exercise. Heat production and heat storage were constant regardless of water temperature. Evaporative heat loss increased with increase in water temperature, and direct cooling effect increased with decrease in water temperature. These results indicate that water supply during exercise supresses rise in body temperature, and this effect is independent of water temperature. But the mechanism of the suppression differs depending on water temperature: that is, when cool water was taken its direct cooling effect was dominant, and when warm water was taken increase in evaporative heat loss contributes more for the suppression of body temperature rise. The effectiveness of water drinking during exercise in a hot environment was thus suggested.
- 日本運動生理学会の論文
- 1997-08-30
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