A Data Flow Machine Architecture for Highly Parallel Symbol Manipulations
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The data flow architecture has good features as a basis for highly parallel symbol manipulation machine. We have proposed an architecture of list-processing-oriented data flow machine, called DFM, and built a prototype machine. This paper reports the implementation and evaluation of the DFM architecture. First, the paper clarifies the parallel and pipeline executions structure inherent in list processing written in a functional language. Then, the paper offers the DFM architecture which exploits the parallelism inherent in the list processing. And last, evaluation of DFM architecture is shown through the prototype machine implementation and register transfer levelsimulation of the DFM. It is pointed out that the data flow machine is very effective for implementing the parallel and pipeline executions in list processing. The data flow machine can fully exploit the parallelism inherent in list processing, due to the ultra-multi-processing mechanism, packet communications-based parallel and pipeline executions mechanism, and lenient cons mechanism for non-strict structure data manipulation.
- 一般社団法人情報処理学会の論文
- 1988-03-10
Hasegawa Ryuzo
Ntt Software Laboratories
NTT Software Laboratories
NTT Software Laboratories
NTT Software Laboratories
Amamiya M
Kyushu Univ. Fukuoka Jpn
Takesue M
Hosei Univ. Koganei‐shi Jpn
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