Name Identification for Languages with Explicit Scope Control
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This paper describes basic algorithms for analyzing the scope of identifiers of block-structured languages. The scope rules treated here include closed scopes in addition to the classical open scopes. Name identification process establishes the relation between defining and applied occurrences according to the scope rules. Analysis of the scope rules related to data types is left to the semantic analysis and is not treated here. The algorithms are defined on the (abstract) parse tree which has been generated by the syntax analyzer and will be transformed in the course of later semantic processing. As the algorithms do not require any additional tables to pass information to other semantic routines, they would be most desirable for construction of the compiler front-end together with various semantic routines. In Section 1, objective of our research is presented. Section 2 introduces data structures of the parse tree and some notational conventions which will be used in describing our algorithms. In Section 3, a simple algorithm for the traditional open scope rules is described in order to clarify our idea. In Section 4, the closed scope rules in modern programming languages are treated. Section 5 is devoted to presenting more sophisticated algorithms which detect conflicts in declarations. These algorithms can be used in actual name identification routines. And the concluding remarks are given in Section.
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