Derivation of Efficient Pattern Matching Algorithms by Fully Lazy Evaluation with Lazy Memo-ization
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In fully lazy evaluation, every subexpression is evaluated at most once after all variables in it have been bound. Hence we may regard that a fully lazy evaluator has ability to perform partial computation. According to this standpoint, we have shown that a fully lazy evaluator with lazy memo-ization derives a program which corresponds to the Knuth-Morris-Pratt algorithm from a fairly simple pattern matching program. In this paper, we inspect the derivation method of the KMP algorithm carefully to apply it to a metching problem which has multiple patterns and we have succeeded in obtaining a program which corresponds to the Aho-Corasick algorithm. The result is also applicable to more complex pattern matching problems.
- 1994-11-15
Kaneako Keiichi
Department of Mathematical Engineering and Information Physics, Faculty Engineering, University of T
Takeichi Masato
Department of Mathematical Engineering and Information Physics, Faculty Engineering, University of T
Kaneako Keiichi
Department Of Mathematical Engineering And Information Physics Faculty Engineering University Of Tok
Takeichi Masato
Department Of Mathematical Engineering And Information Physics Faculty Engineering University Of Tok
Takeichi Masato
Department Of Computer Science The University Of Electro-communications
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