Oxidized Low Density Lipoprotein Potentiation of Fas-Induced Apoptosis Through Lectin-Like Oxidized-Low Density Lipoprotein Receptor-1 in Human Umbilical Vascular Endothelial Cells
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Under normal conditions, vascular endothelial cells are resistant to Fas-mediated apoptosis, although they express detectable Fas on their cell surface. Because oxidized Low density lipoprotein (Ox-LDL) is thought to promote atherogenesis, the potential role that Ox-LDL may play in Fas-mediated apoptosis was investigated in human umbilical vascular endothelial cells (HUVECs), focusing particularly on the involvement of the lectin-like Ox-LDL receptor-1 (LOX-1). HUVECs were treated with agonistic anti-Fas antibody (CH11) and Ox-LDL and then the degree of apoptosis was determined by cell death ELISA. Ox-LDL concentration-dependently sensitized Fas-mediated apoptosis. Flow cytometry demonstrated that Ox-LDL dose-dependently up-regulated cell surface Fas expression. On the other hand, treating HUVECs with Ox-LDL did not lead to any significant change in the expression of death mediators, including Fas, Fas ligand (FasL), FADD, and FLICE as assessed by multiplex polymerase chain reaction amplification. More importantly, these effects of Ox-LDL on Fas-mediated apoptosis were significantly blocked by a neutralizing LOX-1 monoclonal antibody, which can block LOX-1-mediated cellular uptake of Ox-LDL. Ox-LDL may be an important factor involved in the regulation of Fas-induced apoptosis via Ox-LDL/LOX-1 interaction in vascular endothelial cells. The results may provide insights into the pathogenesis of accelerated atherosclerosis in patients with hyperlipidemia.
- 社団法人日本循環器学会の論文
- 2002-10-20
Imanishi Toshio
Department Of Cardiovascular Medicine Wakayama Medical University
Hano Takuzo
Department Of Cardiovascular Medicine Wakayama Medical University
Hano Takuzo
Division Of Cardiology Department Of Medicine Wakayama Medical College
Nishio I
Department Of Cardiovascular Medicine Wakayama Medical University
Nishio Ichiro
Department Of Cardiovascular Medicine Wakayama Medical University
Nishio Ichiro
Division Of Cardiology Department Of Medicine Wakayama Medical College
Ishii Noriko
Division Of Cardiology Department Of Medicine Wakayama Medical University
Nishio Ichiro
Division Of Cardiology Department Of Internal Medicine Wakayama Medical College
Sawamura Tatsuya
National Cardiovascular Center Reserch Institute
Hano Takuzo
School Of Allied Health Sciences Faculty Of Medicine Osaka University
Nishi Ichiro
Division Of Cardiology Wakayama Medical College
Imanishi Toshio
Division of Cardiology, Department of Medicine, Wakayama Medical College
Takarada Shigeho
Division of Cardiology, Department of Medicine, Wakayama Medical University
Hano Takuzo
和歌山県立医科大学 循環器内科
Hirano Takashiro
School Of Allied Health Sciences Faculty Of Medicine Osaka University
Nisio Ichiro
Division Of Cardiology Department Of Medicine Wakayama Medical College
Sawamura Tatsuya
National Cardiovascular Center Research Institute
Nishio I
Division Of Cardiology Department On Medicine Wakayama Medical College
Hano Takuzo
Department Of Cardiovascular Medcine Wakatama Medical University
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