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Various coronary vasodilators have been used for the treatment of coronary diseased in recent years, however, the pharmacological experiments were studied by health animals, and many discrepancy between clinical effects and animal data have been discovered. The main clinical cause of coronary insufficiency are disorders of coronary arteries, but the phathophysiological study of coronary vasodilators on myocardial oxygen metabolism. To clarify the effects of coronary vasodilators upon various diseased hearts and to evaluate clinicopharmacogically, the effects of so-called coronary vasodilators on myocardial oxygen metabolism were studied by coronary catheterization, comparing with the results of low oxygen air inhalation. Methods and Materials The systemic and myocardial oxygen consumption were determined by right sided catheterization methods with N_2O desaturation technique and Van Slyke Neil's manometry. Parameters determined were systemic oxygen consumption (VO_2), oxygen content and saturation in arterial, mixed venous and coronary venous blood (CaO_2 SaO_2 CmvO_2 SmvO_2 CsO_2 SsO_2), myocardial oxygen availability (MOA) and myocardial oxygen consumption (MOC). The data of coronary blood flow and systemic hemodynamics were used those studied by S. OSUGI one of coraborators. For induced hypoxemia, parameters were studied during the minuted inhalation of ten per cent oxygen and 90 per cent of nitrogen after inhalation of 10 per cent oxygen, 15 per cent nitrous oxygen and 75 per cent nitrogen mixed gas. For drug study of ordinary dosis, parameters were studied during 7 to 17 minutes after intravenous administration of 10 mg of Dipyridamole, 20 mg of Carbochromen, 8 mg PF-26, 5 mg of Iproveratril, 200 mg of xanthin derivatives, 3 to 13 minutes after sublingual administration of 4 mg of Iso-sorbide dinitrate. For study of massive dosis, parameters were determined during ten minutes at the end of one hour drip infusion of 5 to 10 time dosis of Dipyridamole, Carbochromen and PF-26. The materials for the study at resting state were 106 cases of healthy controls and patients with various diseases and 42 cases of them were subjected to induced hypoxemia and the other 54 cases were to coronary vasodilators.
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