Quantitation of Bidirectional Shunt from A Single Dye-Dilution Curve
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A method for quantitating intracardiac bidirectional shunt and estimating its blood flow is presented. Three curves, defined as "right-to-left shunt curve", "normal pathway curve", and "left-to-right shunt curve" were separately drawn from the original downstream dye-dilution curve, and their areas A", A, A' respectively, were calculated in the conventional manner. A'/A showed left-to-right shunt ratio (Q_<L-R%>) even in the presence of right-to-left shunt. However, right-to-left shunt ratio (Q_<R-L%>) was given by (1-A'/A)/(A/A"+1-A'/A), and equalled A"/(A + A") only when left-to-right shunt was absent (A'= O). A"/(A + A") should become increasingly higher than Q_<R-L%> with rise in Q_<L-R%> (= A'/A). The relationship between A"/(A + A") and Q_<R-L%> for various A"/A isopleths is shown by figure. A good agreement (r = 0.848, p < 0.001) was found between Q_<L-R%> values by the present method and those calculated by the oxygen method. In contrast, Q_<R-L%> values by the present method were consistently lower than those by the oxygen method; the difference was exaggerated especially in cases with history of cardiac failure, and these cases tended to show lower systemic flow. The average difference in Q_<R-L%> between the two methods, found in cases free from failure; was 7 per cent. This was thought to be ascribed to intrapulmonary physiological shunt.
- 社団法人日本循環器学会の論文
- 1975-06-20
Watanabe Tetsuya
Cardiovascular Division Kansai Rosai Hospital
Kato Norihisa
Research Institute Of Tuberculosis Japan Anti-tuberculosis Association
Genda Akira
Cardiovasucular Division Toranomon Hospital
Genda Akira
Dept. Of Cardiol. Toranomon Hosp.
Cardiovasucular Division, Toranomon Hospital
Yamashiro Masayoshi
Cardiovasucular Division Toranomon Hospital
Watanabe Tetsuya
Cardiovasucular Division Toranomon Hospital
Watanabe Tetsuya
Dept. Of Cardiol. Toranomon Hosp.
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