水稲の窒素代謝に関する研究(III) : Amino酸及びAmidesについて(その1)
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The role of amide were studied by paper partition chromatography with special reference to phases of growth and nutritional condition of Rice plant. Rice plants were cultured in ammonium, nitrate, and nitrogen free culture solutions and studied distribution of asparagine and glutamine in the organs at various growing stages. At earlier active growing stage, asparagine was enhanced by nitrogen supply and particularly by ammonium feeding and distiributed both in roots and leaves. At later stage, that is, from developing period of panicle to the beginning of maturing, asparagine was present in panicle and ear of every panlts grown under various conditions and also in culm except nitrogen free solns. There was found a connexion, between the distribution of asparagine at later growing stages and the activity of development of organs. At harvesting asparagine was recognized in brown rice of nitrogen feeding plants. On the other hand, glutamine was always present in every culture condition and seemed relatively insensitive to the condition of nitrogen nutrition. The above results seem to indicate that in Rice plant asparagine represents a reserve of nitrogen arising during nitrate or ammonium assimilation and glutamine may play some special role in metabolism.
- 社団法人日本土壌肥料学会の論文
- 1952-06-30
- 水稲の窒素代謝に関する研究 : II 重窒素を利用せる研究(其2)
- 水稲の窒素代謝に関する研究 : II 重窒素を利用せる研究(其1)
- 18.Asparagineの檢出による水稻穗肥の要否判定
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- 水稲の窒素代謝に関する研究(III) : amino酸及びamidesについて(その3) : asparagineの検出による穂肥要否の判定
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- 水稲の窒素代謝に関する研究-1-
- 水稲の窒素代謝に関する研究 (III) : Amino 酸及び Amides について (その2)
- 水稲の窒素代謝に関する研究(III) : Amino酸及びAmidesについて(その1)
- 重窒素を利用せる水稲の窒素代謝研究(2)(秋季大会第一会場)
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