生後3ヶ月の乳汁栄養の推移 : 母乳育児に対する母親の意識と行動からの考察
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母乳育児の再認識にも拘らず,その実施率は尚高くない。そこで母乳推進の手がかりを得るため,都会地域の3ヶ月児の母親244名に調査を行い生後の乳汁栄養の推移を母親の意識と行動の観点から検討した。新生児期59%を占めた混合は第2週目に大幅に減少し母乳が一時55%になったが,その後漸減し3ヶ月末には母乳47%,混合23%,人工29%となった。この間の推移を4群に分類し比べると,諸経過の後に母乳に至ったⅡ群では妊娠中から出産を期待し乳頭手当てや乳房マッサージ,母体の栄養,休養・睡眠,精神安定,節煙に努力し産褥第1週にも乳腺への働きかけと乳頭吸啜を多く行なった点で,他群との間に有意差が認められた。Although the values of a breast-feeding on chid care has been recognized anew,the enforcement ratio is not still so high.The present survey was designed to reveal cues to promote a breast-feeding care.Two hundred forty-four mothers who live in urban area and have 3 months-old child wer given a questionaire with regard to their concerns and behaviors about a breast-feeding on child care.The survey revealed that 1)59 percent mothers cared their child with a mixed-feeding style in the neonatal period,2)at the second week,many mothers changed the feeding style from a mixed-feeding to a breast-feeding,3)at the end of the third month,47 percent mothers cared with a breast-feeding,23 percent with a mixed-feeding,and 29 percent with a artificial-feeding style,4)four types of changes were shown in mothers' feeding style during the first three months of life.TypeⅡmothers who changed to a breast-feeding care until third month were significantly different from mothers of the other types in the following points;expectation of baby,endeavor of nipple care,breast massage,cnocerns to her nutrition,rest,mental comfort,reduction of smoking in pregnancy,child sucking to nipple in the first puerperal week.
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