- 論文の詳細を見る
To know how much homemaking tasks were actually done at home, a study was carried out for the pupils who have had homemaking education and those who have not learned at school. The items examined were "preparation of meal and clearing of table", "cleaning" and "going to the errands". The investigation was carried out for both boys and girls in fourth and sixth grades of two elementary schools attached to Kyoto University of Education, by using a questionaire method. The results obtained were as follows. The percentage of practice was high, both for the unlearned and the learned pupils, and rather higher in the former. The tasks on which the children co-operated at home could not be concluded only by the experience of homemaking studies.
- 日本家庭科教育学会の論文
- 1975-03-31
- 215 包丁による切断作業について : 練習による熟達(発達2,発達)
- 発達2(210〜218)(部門別研究発表題目・質疑応答・討論の概要)
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- 電気洗濯機に関する中学生の知識・経験について(第4報) : 小学校における既学習者と未学習者との比較
- 電気洗濯機に関する中学生の知識・経験について(第3報) : 発達段階別
- 包丁による切断作業の練習効果 : 手つきについて
- 包丁による切断作業について : 練習による熟達