感覚としての味とその言語的表現 : 調理学習に於ける調味指導について(4)
- 論文の詳細を見る
From the view point of the science of cookery, I have been studying about the sense of taste as a sensorial experience. This is a report of a part of my experiments to clarify the structure of the sense of taste as a matter of personal subject with the help of the expressions used by the experimentees. The experimentees were 86 primary schools and 99 junior high school students. They all took the same lunch served by the School Lunch Service Center. Forms were filled after they finished their lunches, freely describing how the lunch tasted. From among their descriptions, I chose several adjectives used to express what they felt, including nouns used as adjectives and onomatopoeia expressions, and classified them. As a result, I found that the terms used are both quantitatively and qualitatively the same as those used in my former experiments (Adachi, 1971), in which case the terms used were those acquired as knowledge, but not as a description of the real tastes they felt.
- 日本家庭科教育学会の論文
- 1973-03-31
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- 感覚としての味とその言語的表現 : 調理学習に於ける調味指導について(4)
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