1030 パイプライン鋼・高耐候性鋼のぜい性-延性遷移挙動
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In this research, the fracture experiments of pipeline steel X65,COR-TEN O and HT60 are carried out over the temperature range from -196℃ to room temperature and the brittle-ductile transition behaviors at low temperature are examined experimentally. The finite element analyses are carried out for the fracture experiments and the relationship between the fracture resistance and temperature is studied based on the CED (crack energy density). The brittle-ductile transition temperature range of X65 is higher than those of COR-TEN O and HT60. In the case of X65,the temperature range that the fracture resistance changes dramatically is lower than the brittle-ductile transition temperature range.
- 社団法人日本機械学会の論文
- 2003-08-05
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