2556 同一表面で力/変位拘束を伴う構造最適化
- 論文の詳細を見る
The contact surface of deformable continuum body has importance on surface deformation and traction simultaneously, since the surface deformation due to the contacting object sometimes yields such surface traction that accompanies the severe stress conditions for the deformable body as well as for the contacting object. This study discusses a mechanical problem of deformable continuum body of hyper elasticity with surface traction and deformation prescribed simultaneously. Such a problem is considered as a design optimization problem in the context of homology design concept. The homology index for the prescribed deformation is defined on the body surface with the prescribed traction force, and the structural compliance minimization problem is formulated by epsilon-constraint technique for homology index in the context of the SIMP method for the topology optimization and solved by sequential linearization technique. Numerical case demonstrated the effectiveness of the proposed idea.
- 一般社団法人日本機械学会の論文
- 2002-09-20
東藤 正浩
東藤 正浩
田中 正夫
Todoh Masahiro
Division Of Mechanical Science Department Of Systems And Human Science Graduate School Of Engineerin
小泉 達也
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