1327 高無次元角速度のピッチング運動翼に働く非定常揚力
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Many studies on unsteady flow around a moving airfoil have been carried out in experimental studies and numerical simulations. Most of them have been performed at high Reynolds number region over Re=(10)^6. Recently, a few studies on unsteady flow at low Reynolds number region have been developed by the interest in the MEMS based on the concept of flow control and MAV. We have reported the wake structure behind a pitching airfoil with higher non-dimensional pitching rate and the characteristics of dynamic thrust acting on it. However, the characteristics of dynamic lift acting on it have not been understood. In the present study, the dynamic lift acting on a pitching airfoil such as NACA0010 have been measured by a six-axes sensor in a water tunnel at low Reynolds number region.
- 一般社団法人日本機械学会の論文
- 2002-09-20
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