- 論文の詳細を見る
Major problems in thermal treatment of malignant tumors include nonuniformity of heat distribution within the tumor and inability of available heat delivery systems to provide adequate penetration. In this report, 2,450MHz microwave, the only frequency authorized for medical use in Japan, was evaluated for ist therapeutic effectiveness.Adult canine brains were exposed to microwave irradiation under conditions of total body hypothermia (28℃). The maximum temperature in the brain was controlled manually to be between 36 and 38℃. The temperature was measured at depths of 0.2,0.5,1.0,1.5,2.0,and 2.8cm from the cerebral surface ; the average temperature at each point was in order 33.6,35.6,37.1,35.8,34.4 and 32.1℃. The temperature was highest at a depth of 1cm and was always about 3℃ lower at 2cm. Relatively uniform elevation of brain temperature was obtained between 0.5 and 2.0cm after covering the cerebral surface with a wet cotton sheet.The penetration length of 2,450MHz microwave is reported to be about 1cm in the brain. Microwave intensity at 2cm from the cerebral surface, therefore, should be 0.14 of its original value. The results indicate that lower frequencies are needed for therapeuic heating of the brain deeper than 2cm.
- 日本医療機器学会の論文
- 1980-08-01
西本 詮
岡山療護センター 脳神経外科
原田 泰弘
三宅 幾男
田淵 和雄
西本 詮
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