- 論文の詳細を見る
We investigated a method to sterilize digital clinical thermometers made of acrylonitrilebutadiene-styrene resin. To evaluate the bactericidal activity of disinfectants, we devised a method using a sterilized polyethylene bag. A clinical thermometer contaminated with bacteria was submerged in solution of disinfectant in a polyethylene bag. After varying period of contact the solution was poured off and replaced with 50 ml of SCDLP-broth (Soybean-casein digest broth with lecithine & polysorbate 80) to check for surviving bacteria; number of the survivours was counted by the spiral system (Spiral System Instruments Inc., U.S.A.).To sterilize clinical thermometers contaminated with 10^<3-7> cfu of Staphylococcus aureus, Escherichia coli, Pseudomonas cepacia, and Achromobacter xerosis, benzalkonium chloride was more effective than chlorhexidine gluconate at the same concentration. Almost all contaminating bactera were sterilized in a 0.2% solution of these disinfectants combined with 30% ethanol after 10 m of contact time.
- 日本医療機器学会の論文
- 1986-09-01
城野 久美子
熊田 陽子
武田薬品工業株式会社 試験分析センター
東出 栄治
武田薬品工業株式会社 試験分析センター
久野 光造
武田薬品工業株式会社, 試験分析センター
久野 光造
武田薬品工業株式会社 試験分析センター
城野 久美子
城野 久美子
武田薬品工業株式会社, 試験分析センター
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