システムを作り変える : なにが可能でなにが不可能か
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The communist experiment in the 20th century was one of most important experiences in the domain of social sciences.It started from a very high humanistic idea and ended with a complete failure.In order to avoid repeating the same disastrous enterprise, we have to learn from this failure seriously.It is evident that the founders of the communism committed grave errors.Marx and his followers thougth that they can easily control the whole economy once they seize the state power.There were two errors in this believe.The economy was not as simple as they thought it to be.Organization such as the State was not as omnipotent as they understood it to be.The lesson to learn from the communist failure is that the society is much more complex than we normally suppose it to be.In the buisness of changing the society, a good intention was often rewarded with some serious side effects.After such a painfull experieence as the communist experiment, it is normal that people want to abandon the idea of a new society, which is designed by some rationalist caluculations.But, is it right for the social scientists to abandon themselves to the conservative defeatism, which denies any possibility of social improvement by human design?The communist failure originates in the attempt to change everything at once without questioning if it is possible at all. There are many customs and institutions which can be successfully changed for the benefit of the majority of people.What we should know is the science to distinguish what is possible to change and what is impossible to change.This is the very wisdom Reinhold Niebuhr wanted have in one of his famous prayers.This must also be the problem that social scientists should attack, if they want to contribute to a better society.
- 社会・経済システム学会の論文
- 1992-10-25
- 座談会 : 「人工市場を研究する社会的および学問的意義」(「人工市場」)
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- 編集序言(システム論を問いなおす)
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- セミナ- 複雑系とシステム理論
- 就職協定廃止を歓迎する
- 2C8 関西における科学技術政策と産業政策
- 自己組織する複雑系としての経済(第2&3回複雑系札幌シンポジウム講究録,研究会報告)
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- 制度の経済学をいかに進めるか (II)
- 日本経済の行方 (特集 日本人の日本体験--高度成長から何を受けとるか) -- (50年後の日本--高度成長から何を受けとるか・PART1)
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- 不思議なことがいっぱい 数学 (教科書のたのしみかた) -- (教科書を書評する)
- 経済学の旅に出よう--現実問題からの経済学入門 (経済学さいしょの1時間)
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- 20世紀と経済学-19完-21世紀への展望
- 20世紀と経済学-18-20世紀経済学の成果
- 20世紀と経済学-17-経済学における工学的思考
- 20世紀と経済学-16-経済学の数学化
- 20世紀と経済学-15-自生的発展と経済政策
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- 20世紀と経済学-9-計画経済の理念と実際
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- システムを作り変える : なにが可能でなにが不可能か
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- 20世紀と経済学-8-完全なる計画にむけて
- 20世紀と経済学-7-20世紀の共産主義