社会システムの特性 : 自己変動系としての社会システム : 社会システムの相転移がもつ特性はなにか
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In 60's, the interdiciplinary studies on the self-organizing systems had their focus on the organization and maintenance of the systems. In 70's and 80's, the studies focused on the phase-transition of systems. Although the focuses of the studies have such variation, the essential frame of the theory is inherited. No part of the principles on the self-organizing system is wholly mysterious. Some systems are able to organize and change their own system-structures through the interaction with their environment; they are self-organizing systems. In the each of physical, chemical and biological models, the time-scales of chages in the system and in the environment have a rather same scale. In the case of the human society, its system emvironment is the nature. The time-scale of evolution in the nature exhibits a very slow tempo, and the time-scale of change in the society exhibits a very fast tempo, as Prigogine pointed. In the case of the human society, the human beings make and use the technology at the interface of the society and its emvironment=nature. The change in technology has a fast tempo in comparison to the slow change in the nature. The human society developes itself through the interaction between social structures and technology which is produced by the human society. The human society produces the factor to change the human society itself at the interface of the society and its evironment. The human society should be called the self-changing system as the special case of the self-organizing system.
- 社会・経済システム学会の論文
- 1992-10-25
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