232 技術者の国際化と工学教育プログラム(工学教育)
- 論文の詳細を見る
It is said that a turning point has reached about the engineering educational program at the Japanese universities. In other words, it is to shift the mission of the university from the research emphasis to the education emphasis. There are two backgrounds. The first is to educate students to become internationally active engineers. This is to assure the tundamental engineering level required upon his graduation regardless of the quality of the student when he enters a university. The second is that the border between different countries will be removed for the services providing by engineers to make global cooperation. This is the request from the World Trade Organization. The Japan Accreditation Board for Engineering Education (JABEE) was started from last autumn, so the improvement of the education system is required for each university to meet this challenge. Various request items toward the engineering education are listed, and the engaging of the curriculum improvement of Gunma University is introduced here.
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- 232 技術者の国際化と工学教育プログラム(工学教育)