128 フラッシュバック法による消炎円孔径の測定(反応性流体)
- 論文の詳細を見る
A quenching diameters of a propane/air flame was estimated by flashing back through a short circular hole located in the burner. Depending on the mixture equivalence ratio and hole diameter, three regions of the flame propagation through the hole could be identified. In the first region the flame quenching always occurs at the hole in the plural times of the experiments, and in the second region, the flame propagation always occurs. In the third region, two phenomena in which the flame passes the hole or it does the quenching are observed. The third region between the first and the second shows transient characteristics. Therefore two critical diameters were defined. One is the diameter in which 100% quenching is made, and it is named the critical flame quenching diameter. The other is named the critical flame propagation diameter in which 100% of flames pass through the hole. They indicate that there are two flame quenching mechanisum at the hole.
- 一般社団法人日本機械学会の論文
- 2000-06-23
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