447 一様磁場内における貫通き裂を有する飽和磁性 Mindlin 平板のたわみ波散乱
- 論文の詳細を見る
This paper deals with the scattering of time harmonic flexural waves by a through crack in a magnetically saturated plate under a uniform magnetic field normal to the plate surfaces. The analysis is based on Mindlin's plate theory of magneto-elastic interactions under a magnetic field. An incident wave giving rise to moments symmetric about the crack plane is applied. Fourier transforms are used to reduce the mixed boundary value problem to one involving the numerical solution of a Fredholm integral equation. The dynamic moment intensity factor versus frequency is computed and influence of the magnetic field on the normalized values is displayed graphically.
- 一般社団法人日本機械学会の論文
- 2000-11-27
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