140 二元系および三元系アルミニウム合金のクリープ特性(OS 耐熱材料)
- 論文の詳細を見る
Creep test was carried out on solid solution aluminum alloys to study the effect of solute atoms on deformation behavior and creep property at high temperatures. Two kinds of aluminum alloys, A5083 and A6061 were tested. We obtained the experiment equation, t_f = λσ^<-m> for the relation between the applied stress and creep life. The exponent, m was constant independent of the temperature. For A6061 alloy, the contraction creep was observed at lower applied stress. The behavior was expected to be due to the interaction of solute atoms, Mg and Si.
- 社団法人日本機械学会の論文
- 2001-11-02
小林 康男
石川 圭介
小林 康男
小林 康男
石川 圭介
石川 文敏
石川 文敏
Ishikawa Keisuke
First Research Group National Research Institute For Metals
Ishikawa Keisuke
National Research Institute For Metals Tsukuba Labs.
小林 康男
東洋大 工
- 工業技術研究所プロジェクト研究報告 パルスガスアブレーション成膜技術の開発
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