233 ごみ焼却排ガスの高温集じん
- 論文の詳細を見る
We are under development of collecting the fly ash under high-temperature flue gas condition. The experiment was performed mainly to check for the dust collection efficiency under high-temperature condition as well as for clogged filter under continuous operation condition. Results obtained through the experiment are as follows; 1) The pressure loss of filter was changed within the range of 1.37kPa∿1.72kPa during the operation of one week, which assured the stabilized operation. 2) The concentration of dust at the outlet of Hot Gas Filter was 0.042/m^3_N, and the dust collection efficiency was approx. 99.5%. 3) The concentration of dioxins contained in the ash collected by the Hot Gas filter was 0.0004ng-TEQ/g. The concentration of dioxins at the outlet of Hot Gas Filter was observed to be decreased down to 0.064ng-TEQ/m^3_N, whereas that at its inlet was 0.24ng-TEQ/m^3_N, which made it possible to confirm that the dioxins would be dissolved by passing them through the Hot Gas Filter.
- 一般社団法人日本機械学会の論文
- 2000-07-05
- 243 還流式ごみ燃焼技術実証試験(高度燃焼技術実証試験)
- 218 ナトリウム系薬剤を用いた乾式排ガス処理(排ガス・廃水(II))(廃棄物処理技術)
- 221 セラミックフィルタとナトリウム系薬剤による新排ガス処理システム(焼却・溶融・ガス化溶融,資源循環・廃棄物処理技術)
- 216 溶融炉排ガス中のダイオキシン類分解(排ガス・廃水(I))(廃棄物処理技術)
- 経済産業大臣賞 高温集じん装置(セラミックフィルタ)を用いた高効率熱利用システム (特集 優秀環境装置(1))
- 233 ごみ焼却排ガスの高温集じん
- 高温ガスフィルター (ポスターセッション特集(2))
- 高温でダスト捕集するセラミックスフィルター (特集 環境を守る膜・フイルター材料--水処理・ダイオキシン対策・高温ガス分離への応用) -- (事例2:ダイオキシン対策)
- ごみ焼却炉用高温フィルタ (特集 98年「最新環境保全技術」)
- 高効率熱利用システムに使用される高温集じん装置用セラミックフィルタ (特集 環境とセラミックス)