216 溶融炉排ガス中のダイオキシン類分解(排ガス・廃水(I))(廃棄物処理技術)
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In order to reduce the dioxins contained in the exhaust gas from ash-melting furnaces, we used bag filters packed with dioxin-destroying catalyst. We measured the concentrations of dioxins and their precursors in the exhaust gas and in the fly ash. Sampling was done at the outlet of the baghouse with the gas temperature of 170℃, and the results were 0.015ng-TEQ/m^3 of dioxins from the exhaust gas, and 0.023ng-TEQ/g from the fly ash. Compared with the activated-carbon injection system, these dioxin concentrations represent one-third for the exhaust gas, and one-sixth for the fly ash. This proves that the catalytic filter is an effective means to treat exhaust gas from melting furnaces.
- 2001-07-09
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