気管支喘息患者の血漿および肺ヒスタミンならびに蕁麻疹, 糖尿病, 関節リウマチ患者の血漿ヒスタミンについて
- 論文の詳細を見る
For the purpose of cralifying the pathophysiology of allergic disease, the plasma histamine levels of the patients with bronchial asthma and urticaria as well as the lung tissue histamine levels of sevral asthmatics were determined with a fluorometric assay and the effect of steroid hormone on the plasma histamine was studied with relation to allergic disease. Furthermore, the plasma histamine levels in the patients with diabetes mellitus were determined in order to investigate the interaction of carbohydrates with histamine release, and the plasma histamine levels of the patients with rheumatoid arthritis were also observed. The results obtaind were as follows. 1) The average histamine level of the healthy persons was 5.76 ± 1.70 μg/l in the plasma. 2) During the symptom-free period of the asthmatic patients without steroid treatment, the average plasma histamine level was 8.81 ± 2.04 μg/l, which was significantly higher than that of the healthy persons. 3) The average histamine level of the asthmatic patients without steroid treatment was 10.09 ± 2.66 μg/l during paroxysm period. This value was remarkably higher than that of the healthy persons and revealed a higer level in comparison with that of symptom-free period' although statistical significance could not be detected. However, an increase in the plasme histamine level was observed during paroxysm period in all patients whose histamine levels were determined during both symptom-free and paroxysm periods. 4) During symptom-free period of the asthmatic patients with steroid treatment the average histamine lavel was 5.08 ± 1.01 μg/l, and there was no statistical difference from that of the healthy persons. 5) During paroxysm period of asthmatic patients with steroid treatment, the average histamine level was 9.67 ± 1.34 μg/l which was higher than that of the healthy persons. There was no significant difference in the average histamine level between the patients with steroid therapy and patients without steroid therapy during paroxysm period. 6) Three asthmatic patients were injected 4 mg of dexamethasone intravenously during their symptom free period, and their plasma histamine levels decreased thirty minutes later. Two asthmatic patients with paroxysm were treated in the same way, but they had not been recovered thirty minutes later and the plasma histamine levels of one of them increased slightly. The other patient was reinjected 4 mg of dexamethasone, and when his symptom subsided, the plasma histamine level decreased remarkably. 7) The average histamine level in the removed lung tissue from the patients with pulmonary tuberculosis was 29.8 μg/g in three cases of control. The histamine level was as high as 79.5 μg/g in the removed lung tissue from the asthmatic patient without attack. The average histamine level was 31.9 μg/g in the specimens obtaind from the autopsy of the asthmatic patients with steriod treatment who had died of asthmatic paroxysm. 8) The average plasma histamine level was 6.41 ± 2.16 μg/l in the patients with urticaria which value was not statistically different from that of healthy persons. 9) The average plasma histamine level was 5.85 ± 1.48 μg/l in the patients with diabetes mellitus. This value was not statistically different from that of healthy persons. 10) The average plasma histamine level was 3.88 ± 1.07 μg/l in the patients with rheumatoid arthritis who were treated with steroid hormone except one. This value was significantly lower in comparison with the average histamine levels of other groups studied. From the results above mentiod, histamine is thought to be one of the chemical mediators playing a part in the occurrence of allergic symptoms. Steroid hormone is assumed to suppress the occurrence of allergic symptoms from the viewpoint of plasma histamine. The physiological level of plasma histamine is assumed not to be influenced by hypoglycemia and/or hypoinsulinism. Plasma histamine is appeared not to be impotant in
- 日本アレルギー学会の論文
- 1968-04-30
- 18)気管支喘息の病理学研究 : 肺組織肥胖細胞について(第4回 東北アレルギー懇話会)
- 33.実験的アナフィラキシー・ショックにおけるヒスタミン, セロトニンおよび肺肥胖細胞の態度について(E. ヒスタミン・セロトニンに関するもの)(第16回日本アレルギー学会総会)
- 第3回ヒスタグロビン研究会議事録
- 第2回ヒスタグロビン研究会議事録
- 気管支喘息患者の切除肺における病理組織像と肺ヒスタミン値について
- (85) いわゆる米杉喘息に関する研究(第1報)(喘息〔III〕)
- 124.気管支喘息患者における尿中ヒスタミン値について(薬剤アレルギー, 即時型アレルギー, アレルギー反応のメジエーター, 補体)
- 1) 「いわゆる米杉喘息について」(第3回岩手アレルギー懇話会)
- 85.いわゆる米杉喘息に関する研究(第1報)(喘息III)
- (40) 気管支喘息患者における肺肥胖細胞と肺ヒスタミン値について(化学作用物質)
- 40.気管支喘息患者における肺肥胖細胞と肺ヒスタミン値について(化学作用物質)
- 12.気管支喘息患者におけるアミノフィリン静注後のテオフィリン血中濃度(喘息(治療I))
- 気管支喘息のPSM的検討(第5報)(気管支喘息の心身医学)(一般演題抄録・質疑応答(A, B))(第15回日本精神身体医学会総会)
- 87.気管支喘息の減感作療法と血清γE濃度との関係(鼻, 眼, 皮膚アレルギー, アレルゲン, 抗原, 感染アレルギー)
- 56.気管支喘息患者におけるアドレナリン負荷時の血糖, 乳酸, 焦性ブドウ酸の変動について(喘息(病態生理, その他))
- I-35 気管支喘息のPSM的検討(第4報)(循環器の心身症)(第14回日本精神身体医学会総会一般演題抄録・質疑応答(I))
- I-43 気管支喘息のPSM検討(第3報)(呼吸器)(第13回日本精神身体医学会総会)
- 28.気管支喘息患者における試験管内ヒスタミン遊離試験について(喘息:病態生理)
- 9. 気管支喘息におけるヒスタグロビンの使用経験(第3回ヒスタグロビン研究会)
- 54)ほや喘息ならびに薬物アレルギーにおける試験管内ヒスタミン遊離試験について
- 気管支喘息患者の血漿および肺ヒスタミンならびに蕁麻疹, 糖尿病, 関節リウマチ患者の血漿ヒスタミンについて
- 4.血漿ヒスタミンの化学的測定法ならびに2, 3アレルギー性疾患のヒスタミン動態について(一般関連演題)
- 29.アレルギー患者における Histaglobin の使用経験とくに血漿ヒスタミン値の観察(E. ヒスタミン・セロトニンに関するもの)(第16回日本アレルギー学会総会)
- 43. Histamine代謝に関する実験的研究(第14回日本アレルギー学会総会)
- 牛乳アレルギーの1例